Stadium of selves

· 1 minute read

How many days have you been alive?

Yesterday I found out that I have been alive for 12,431 days. If each day I split off into a new person those 12,430 previous selves would fill a stadium.

If I live to 90 years old, there will be 32,850 selves in that stadium. That’s 20,420 more of us than there are now. Today, I am the one on stage.

The things I do today can change the lives of those 20,420 future selves, and perhaps many selves of many other people. But most of us won’t know what was important until much later.

For example, Steph 8,297 met Jesse Genet 7,571 on September 5th 2008, we have been close friends for 10 years. It seemed like most other days, but it changed the course of 4,135 of my selves since then.

By this time next year, there will be 364 more selves in my stadium. What can I do today to make all my selves proud of this self?

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